S15.E12: Top Six Perform - Page 2 - So You Think You Can Dance

Darius/Travis contemporary made me cry. I knew that he was going home even though he had a wonderful night. It wasn't any different than Cole having a great night when he left. Unfortunately, he was in the bottom last week. The Pharside/Phoenix hip-hop did not help him. As I mentioned last week, Magda looked uncomfortable

Darius/Travis contemporary made me cry.  I knew that he was going home even though he had a wonderful night.  It wasn't any different than Cole having a great night when he left.  Unfortunately, he was in the bottom last week.  The Pharside/Phoenix hip-hop did not help him.  As I mentioned last week, Magda looked uncomfortable in it and he did drop her hard on the butt in one lift.  As Nigel said, he didn't do much in the contemporary.  At least, not the kind of show stopping moves that get you votes.  So I wasn't surprised that he left.  

I was surprised that Genessy made it over Jay Jay.  Stupid showmance because I think the tween voters came out in full force.  The show also did not make it clear that it was the top four that was in the finals and not the top two guys and girls.  At least, Jay Jay also had his moment to shine.  As I previously mentioned, I prefer Mandy's jazz over her contemporary.  Also, it seems that LoFro is her go to female jazz dancer.  So the trio of Mandy, LoFro, and Jay Jay made for a wonderful fun jazz routine.  Jay Jay's technique is great as usual.  He gets such height in his jumps.  He also got the style right.  LoFro is a lighter jazz dancer than Jensen too so she was perfect in this routine.  Also got to love Cat.  She is such a good sport and love her comment about the Emmys.  Yup, she deserves an Emmy.  She's quick witted like Tom from DWTS and she loves the dancers.

I think all the dancers did well with their All Stars.  Slavik was the weakest.  It wasn't really the technique of it because he did get all the moves.  That hip-hop wasn't easy either.  Jaja is just a great performer and he needed to match that.  He looked unsure of himself.  Same for the salsa which was choreographed easier than a lot of other salsas that Jonathan/Oksana have choreographed for this show.  Although, he didn't get the technique for that one but he could have sold it more.  For this show, a lot of times you have to fake the moves.  None of the non-ballroom dancers do ballroom right but you can fake it.  The Tahitian experts on this forum said that JJ/Jensen did not get the moves right but they didn't show it.

I was splitting my votes between Jay Jay, Darius, and Hannahlei.  Since two of them are gone, all 20 of my Fox.com votes went to Hannahlei.  I'm not a power voter though so 20 isn't much.  Glad Hannahlei got to show a different side of her.  She has great technique.  She's a lot better contemporary dancer than Genessy in that respect.  However, all her partner dances have been happy.  Glad she was able to do an emotional contemporary and a seductive AT.  Her legs were amazing in the AT.  

If we're going to talk about different races/styles than we never had a white hip-hop dancer, white female ballroom dancer, or Asian woman win.  Since Jeanine won Season 5, we did have a Hispanic female contemporary winner which is what Genessy is.  Just some trivia.

Edited August 29, 2018 by realdancemom

