Rome's Miracle of the Snow in the middle of summer

Rome celebrates La Madonna della Neve (Our Lady of the Snows) by recreating a miracle snowfall outside the Basilica di S. Maria Maggiore during the height of summer. The 2024 edition of the spectacle, organised with the support of the capitaland the Italian culture ministry, will take place in Piazza di S. Maria Maggioreat 21.00

Pope Francis to attend Rome celebrations in honour of fourth-century miracle snowfall in August.

Rome celebrates La Madonna della Neve (Our Lady of the Snows) by recreating a miracle snowfall outside the Basilica di S. Maria Maggiore during the height of summer.

The 2024 edition of the spectacle, organised with the support of the capital and the Italian culture ministry, will take place in Piazza di S. Maria Maggiore at 21.00 on Monday 5 August.

The snowfall and lightshow, traditionally accompanied with a performance by the Carabinieri band, will lead to traffic diversions in the area on Monday night.

Pope Francis

The 10.00 Mass in honour of La Madonna della Neve, which includes a shower of white flower petals dropped from the ceiling - repeated at 17.30 during Vespers - will take place in the basilica on 5 August as per tradition.

This year Pope Francis will attend the ceremony at 17.30, the Vatican has confirmed, with full details available on the Basilica di S. Maria Maggiore website.

Since becoming pope, Francis has made more than 100 visits to the fifth-century papal basilica where he prays before the icon of 'Maria Salus Populi Romani' before and after trips abroad.

The pontiff recently revealed that he wished to be buried in this basilica, where he said his tomb is "already prepared".

What does the snowfall represent?

According to legend, a fourth-century Roman couple wished to donate their possessions to the church, and prayed for divine guidance.

On the night of 4/5 August in the year 352 the Virgin Mary appeared to the couple in a vision, telling them that a miracle would reveal a site where they should build a new church.

That same night — so the story goes — a miraculous fall of snow landed on a hill in the Esquiline district of Rome.

Pope Liberius is said to have travelled to the snow-covered site, tracing an outline of the planned church whose construction was financed by the wealthy couple.

Although there is no historical basis for the story, the event is still celebrated each year with the surreal spectacle of snow-like foam and suds falling from the sky.

Cover photo La Repubblica

