MEGA MAN X DiVE Offline Currency Costs Guide

Want to get a grasp on how much Zeni you need to unlock your characters? What about Element Metals for your weapons? This guide intends to give you a better understanding of how much currency you need to unlock, upgrade and complete almost every aspect of the game.

Want to get a grasp on how much Zeni you need to unlock your characters? What about Element Metals for your weapons? This guide intends to give you a better understanding of how much currency you need to unlock, upgrade and complete almost every aspect of the game.


A Modest Guide to Currency Costs

Preface: Limitations of this Guide

Though this guide is intended to be used as a reference for players who want a better idea of how much they currency they need to unlock items, complete their gallery, or reach the absolute maximum level of completion, there are some limitations as to what I have been able to calculate. These calculations were made from in-game observations, with no direct access to comprehensive statistics. Thus, while most of the calculations in this guide could be made in a single playthrough, due to making these calculations only when I was in the endgame, some variables will not be accounted for. So, to start, I must cover what will not be covered in this guide.

The following have been unaccounted for:

  • The cost of levelling up every chip in the game from level 1 to 200 in Zeni
  • The cost of levelling 5 chips from level 1 to level 80 in Zeni
  • The cost of levelling up all armour slots to level 200 in Zeni
  • The cost of levelling up all DiVE Triggers to their respective maximum levels in Zeni

Without further ado, on to the guide.

Total Element Metal Costs

The total number of unique items you can unlock with Element Metals are as follows:

  • 24 characters with memories costing 20 EM per piece.
  • 7 characters with memories costing 30 EM per piece.
  • 14 weapons with memories costing 20 EM per piece.
  • 4 weapons with memories costing 25 EM per piece.
  • 5 weapons with memories costing 30 EM per piece.
  • 31 cards costing 40 EM per card.
  • 3 skins costing 1000 EM per skin.
  • 2 skins costing 1200 EM per skin.

All characters and weapons unlocked using EM cost 40 memories to unlock, and 370 memories to get to 5 stars.

If you want to unlock all EM items:

  • 800 EM for 24 characters, totalling to 19,200 EM
  • 1200 EM for 7 characters, totalling to 8,400 EM
  • 800 EM for 14 weapons, totalling to 11,200 EM
  • 1000 EM for 4 weapons, totalling to 4,000 EM
  • 1200 EM for 5 weapons, totalling to 6,000 EM
  • 40 EM for 31 cards, totalling to 1,240 EM
  • 1000 for 3 skins, totalling to 3,000 EM
  • 1200 for 2 skins, totalling to 2,400 EM

Total cost: 55,440 EM

If you collect 40 Copy X memories from ‘The Saviour Has Come’, the memories from Normal stages 18, 19, 21, and both difficulties of stage 23, and ‘The Beginning of Legend’ Card, the cost is reduced to 50,600 EM.

If you want to 5-star all EM items:

  • 7400 EM for 24 characters, totalling to 177,600 EM
  • 11100 EM for 7 characters, totalling to 77,700 EM
  • 7400 EM for 14 weapons, totalling to 103,600 EM
  • 9250 EM for 4 weapons, totalling to 37,000 EM
  • 11100 for 5 weapons, totalling to 55,500 EM
  • 240 EM for 31 cards, totalling to 7,440 EM
  • 1000 for 3 skins, totalling to 3,000 EM
  • 1200 for 2 skins, totalling to 2,400 EM

Total cost: 464,240 EM

If you collect the 80 Copy X memories from ‘The Saviour Has Come’, as well as the aforementioned memories and ‘The Beginning of Legend’, the cost is reduced to 458,600 EM.

Total Event Voucher Costs

The total number of unique items you can unlock with Event Vouchers are as follows:

  • 2 characters with memories costing 20 EV per piece
  • 43 characters with memories costing 30 EV per piece
  • 4 chips with memories costing 30 EV per piece
  • 12 cards costing 20 EV per card
  • 28 cards costing 50 EV per card
  • 62 cards costing 100 EV per card
  • 1 weapon with memories costing 20 EV per piece

While Zero and Vile have memories available for purchase with EVs, they are not included here due to being purchasable with Zeni.

Megaman and Servbot are the characters that cost 20 EV per piece, taking 20 memories to unlock and 220 to 5-star. All other characters (except Zero and Vile) take 40 memories to unlock and 370 to 5-star.

All chips and the weapon take 30 memories to unlock, and 290 to 5-star.

If you want to unlock all EV items:

  • 400 EV for Megaman/Servbot, totalling to 800 EV
  • 1200 EV for 43 characters, totalling to 51,600 EV
  • 600 EV for 4 chips, totalling to 2,400 EV
  • 20 EV for 12 cards, totalling to 240 EV
  • 50 EV for 28 cards, totalling to 1,400 EV
  • 100 EV for 62 cards, totalling to 6,200 EV
  • 600 EV for 1 weapon, totalling to 600 EV

Total cost: 63,240 EV

Several items can be obtained from completing events. If all of these items are obtained without vouchers, the cost is reduced to 56,140 EV.

If you want to 5-Star all EV items:

  • 4400 EV for Megaman/Servbot, totalling to 8,800 EV
  • 11100 EV for 43 characters, totalling to 477,300 EV
  • 5800 EV for 4 chips, totalling to 23,200 EV
  • 120 EV for 12 cards, totalling to 1,440 EV
  • 300 EV for 28 cards, totalling to 8,400 EV
  • 600 EV for 62 cards, totalling to 37,200 EV
  • 5800 EV for 1 weapon, totalling to 5,800 EV

Total cost: 562,140 EV

If you obtain the maximum number of items from event milestones, the cost is reduced to 534,940 EV. Sting Chameleon memories can also be obtained without EVs, reducing the cost further to 530,740 EV.

Total Zeni Costs Part 1: Unlocks

Brace yourselves, this is going to get long.

The total number of unique items you can unlock with Zeni are as follows:

  • 3 B rank characters with memories costing 500 Z per piece
  • 14 A rank characters with memories costing 1,500 Z per piece
  • 35 S rank characters with memories costing 5,000 Z per piece
  • 11 B rank weapons with memories costing 500 Z per piece
  • 15 A rank weapons with memories costing 1,500 Z per piece
  • 45 S rank weapons with memories costing 5,000 Z per piece
  • 28 B rank cards costing 5,000 Z per card
  • 83 A rank cards costing 10,000 Z per card
  • 96 S rank cards costing 30,000 Z per card
  • 3 Character skins costing 10,000 Z per skin
  • 2 A rank Chips with memories costing 2,000 Z per piece

X, the Mega Buster and the Standard Saber are not included in this count due to all players starting the game with them unlocked.

If you want to unlock all Zeni items:

  • 10,000 Z for 3 B characters, totalling to 30,000 Z
  • 45,000 Z for 14 A characters, totalling to 630,000 Z
  • 200,000 Z for 35 S characters, totalling to 7,000,000 Z
  • 10,000 Z for 11 B weapons, totalling to 110,000 Z
  • 45,000 Z for 15 A weapons, totalling to 675,000 Z
  • 200,000 Z for 43 S weapons, totalling to 9,000,000 Z
  • 5,000 Z for 28 B cards, totalling to 140,000 Z
  • 10,000 Z for 83 A cards, totalling to 830,000 Z
  • 30,000 Z for 96 S cards, totalling to 2,880,000 Z
  • 10,000 Z for 3 skins, totalling to 30,000 Z
  • 60,000 Z for 2 chips, totalling to 120,000 Z

Total cost: 21,445,000 Z

There are various Zeni items you can earn through story mode and Jakob’s elevator, as well as events. If all these items are obtained, the total cost is reduced to 17,445,000 Z

If you want to 5-star these items:

  • 110,000 Z for B characters, totalling to 440,000 Z
  • 435,000 Z for A characters, totalling to 6,090,000 Z
  • 1,850,000 Z for S characters, totalling to 64,750,000 Z
  • 110,000 Z for B Weapons, totalling to 1,320,000 Z
  • 435,000 Z for A Weapons, totalling to 6,525,000 Z
  • 1,850,000 for S characters, totalling to 83,250,000 Z
  • 30,000 for B cards, totalling to 840,000 Z
  • 60,000 for A cards, totalling to 4,980,000 Z
  • 180,000 for S cards, totalling to 17,280,000 Z
  • 10,000 Z for 3 skins, totalling to 30,000 Z
  • 580,000 Z for 2 chips, totalling to 1,160,000 Z

Total cost: 186,665,000 Z

With the items obtainable without spending zeni, the total cost is reduced to 181,150,000 Z

Total Zeni Costs part 2: Upgrades

The upgrades that can be purchased with Zeni are as follows:

  • 3 Passive Skills for 6 B rank Characters
  • 4 Passive Skills for 14 A rank Characters
  • 5 Passive Skills for 109 S rank Characters
  • 3 Skills for the Mega Buster
  • 4 Skills for 12 B rank Weapons
  • 5 Skills for A rank Weapons
  • 6 Skills for S rank Weapons
  • Up to 47 Active Skill levels for Servbot and Axl
  • Up to 47 Active Skill levels for 7 S rank Characters
  • Up to 94 Active Skill levels for 4 B rank Characters
  • Up to 94 Active Skill levels for 14 A rank Characters
  • Up to 94 Active Skill levels for 102 S rank Characters
  • Up to 100 levels of Weapon upgrades for 97 Weapons
  • 6 DNA Codes for B rank Characters
  • 14 DNA Codes for A rank Characters
  • 109 DNA Codes for S rank Characters
  • 18 full Chip Analyses to 25%

The cost of Weapon Upgrades, Chip Analysis, and Active Skill increases are standardised. A B rank and S rank character/chip/weapon incur the same costs for the same increase at the same starting point. Skills for weapons, and Passive Skills for characters, also incur the same costs regardless of rank provided they are in the same slot.

Weapon and Active Skill upgrades are calculated according to their minimum cost.

For Passive Skills, Weapon Skills, DNA Codes, and Chip Analyses:

  • B rank Passives cost 27,500 Z per Character, totalling to 165,000 Z
  • A rank Passives cost 57,500 Z per Character, totalling to 805,000 Z
  • S rank Passives cost 107,500 Z per Character, totalling to 11,717,500 Z
  • The Mega Buster’s skills cost 30,000 Z total
  • B rank Weapon Skills cost 60,000 Z per Weapon, totalling to 720,000 Z
  • A rank Weapon Skills cost 110,000 Z per Weapon, totalling to 1,760,000 Z
  • S rank Weapon Skills cost 185,000 Z per Weapon, totalling to 12,580,000 Z
  • B rank DNA Codes costs 17,500 Z per Character, totalling to 105,000 Z
  • A rank DNA Codes costs 51,000 Z per Character, totalling to 714,000 Z
  • S rank DNA Codes costs 170,000 Z per Character, totalling to 18,530,000 Z
  • 25% Chip Analysis costs 115,000 Z per Chip, totalling to 2,070,000 Z

Combined cost: 49,196,500 Z

For Active Skill levels, to complete the gallery without Passives:

  • 5504 Z per character with 47 purchasable levels, totalling to 49,536 Z
  • 33,856 Z per character with 94 purchasable levels, totalling to 4,062,720 Z

Note: You still need to acquire Passive Skills to fully complete the Gallery.

Combined cost: 4,112,256 Z

To complete the gallery with Passives:

  • 3,878 Z per B rank Character with 47 purchasable levels, totalling to 7,756 Z
  • 2,940 Z per S rank Character with 47 purchasable levels, totalling to 20,580 Z
  • 27,367 Z per B rank Character with 96 purchasable levels, totalling to 109,468 Z
  • 25,280 Z per A rank Character with 96 purchasable levels, totalling to 353,920 Z
  • 23,188 Z per S rank Character with 96 purchasable levels, totalling to 2,365,176 Z

Combined cost: 2,856,900 Z

To reach max level:

  • 182,993 Z per Character with 1 eligible skill, totalling to 1,646,937 Z
  • 365,986 Z per Character with 2 eligible skills, totalling to 43,918,320 Z

Combined cost: 45,565,257 Z

For Weapon Upgrades:

  • 45,000 Z per Weapon to reach level 40 from level 0, totalling to 4,365,000 Z
  • 607,500 Z per Weapon to reach level 100 from level 0, totalling to 58,927,500 Z
  • Overall cost for all upgrades: 153,689,257 Z
  • Overall cost for Gallery completion only: 56,418,400 Z

Total Zeni Cost Part 3: Exp

Note: This section calculates the amount of Zeni needed to level up cards and weapons to level 80 and 200 using the green exp programs available from the in-game shop. Realistically, you will have earned enough programs from playing the game to cut down on the costs in this section significantly, and with enough grinding may not need to use Zeni at all.

The total number of cards and weapons that you can level up are as follows:

  • 341 Cards
  • 97 Weapons

Exp gains between Cards and Weapons of different ranks are standardised. A Blue card and a Gold card take the same amount of exp to reach the same level. Exp gains from using cards to increase star rating differ according to card rarity.

Green exp programs cost 10,000 Z per 10 programs. Calculations here assume that only purchased programs are used.

The total cost to level Weapons:

  • 631 programs per Weapon to reach level 80, totalling to 61,207 programs, equal to 61,210,000 Z
  • 11,076 programs per Weapon to reach level 200, totalling to 1,074,372 programs, equal to 1,074,380,000 Z

The total cost to level Cards, from level 1:

  • 298 programs per Card to reach level 80, totalling to 101,618 programs, equal to 101,620,000 Z
  • 3405 programs per Card to reach level 200, totalling to 1,161,105 programs, equal to 1,161,110,000 Z

The total cost to level Cards, accounting for increases to 5 stars from card copies:

To Level 80

  • 296 programs per Blue Card, totalling to 11,840 programs, equal to 11,840,000 Z
  • 293 programs per Purple Card, totalling to 32,523 programs, equal to 32,530,000 Z
  • 288 programs per Gold Card, totalling to 54,720 programs, equal to 54,720,000 Z

Combined cost: 99,090,000 Z

To Level 200

  • 3403 programs per Blue Card, totalling to 136,120 programs, equal to 136,120,000 Z
  • 3400 programs per Purple Card, totalling to 377,400 programs, equal to 377,400,000 Z
  • 3395 programs per Gold Card, totalling to 645,050 programs, equal to 645,050,000 Z

Combined cost: 1,158,570,000 Z

Overall combined cost: 2,232,950,000 Z

Total Zeni Part 4: Compound Energy

The total amount of Compound Energy needed for upgrades are as follows:

  • 1,820 CE for 109 S rank Characters, totalling to 198,380 CE
  • 1,020 CE for 14 A rank Characters, totalling to 14,280 CE
  • 600 CE for 6 B rank Characters, totalling to 3,600 CE
  • 2,280 CE for 68 S rank Weapons, totalling to 155,040 CE
  • 1,320 CE for 16 A rank Weapons, totalling to 21,120 CE
  • 640 CE for 12 B rank Weapons, totalling to 7,680 CE
  • 280 CE for the Mega Buster
  • 6,050 CE for 18 Chips, totalling to 108,900 CE

Compound Energy can be purchased for 5000 Z per 100 CE.

Total cost:

  • 509,280 CE total, equal to 25,465,000 Z

The Final Tally

The total minimum amount of each currency you require in order to fully unlock and upgrade everything in the game is:

  • 458,600 Element Metals
  • 530,740 Event Vouchers
  • 2,593,254,257 Zeni

If you just want to complete the gallery and increase your character level, the Zeni cost is reduced to 428,848,400 Zeni.

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