How old is Levar Stoney? When is Levar Stoney's birthday? Where is Levar Stoney born? Where did Levar Stoney grow up from? What's Levar Stoney's age?
Levar Stoney Born: March 20, 1981 (age 42years), East Meadow, New York, United States
Is Levar Stoney married? When did Levar Stoney get married? Who's Levar Stoney's married to? (Who's Levar Stoney's husband / wife)?
Levar Stoney Spouse: Brandy Stoney (m. 2023), Kristina Perry Stoney (m. 20122016)
How about Levar Stoney's parents?
Levar Stoney Parents: Luther Stoney
How about Levar Stoney's sibling?
Levar Stoney Sibling: Nhandi Stoney, Marvis Stoney
How about Levar Stoney's party?
Levar Stoney Party: Democratic Party
How about Levar Stoney's current position?
Levar Stoney Current position: Mayor of Richmond since 2017
How about Levar Stoney's previous position?
Levar Stoney Previous position: Secretary of the Commonwealth of Virginia (20142016)
How much does the mayor of Richmond make?
Mayor of the City of Richmond, Virginia | |
Term length | Four years renewable once |
Inaugural holder | William Foushee |
Formation | 17th century |
Salary | $125,000 |
Who is Levar Stoney wife?
Mayor of Richmond | |
Style | The Honorable |
Term length | Four years (since 2005) |
Inaugural holder | William Foushee, Sr. |
Formation | July 2, 1782 |
How long is Richmond mayor term?
Mayor of Richmond | |
Style | The Honorable |
Term length | Four years (since 2005) |
Inaugural holder | William Foushee, Sr. |
Formation | July 2, 1782 |
When was Levar Stoney sworn in?
Stoney was sworn into office on December 31, 2016. At 35 years of age, he became Richmond's youngest elected mayor.